OLPS empowers disadvantaged members of communities in Kenya to take care of their social and economic needs by providing care and support to persons infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and other crosscutting issues such as poverty, climate change and energy crisis, through community participation in partnership and collaboration with like-minded organizations.
Tostan is a community development organization with over 30 years of commitment to empowering communities to realize their vision of wellbeing based on respect for human rights. Our holistic programs focus on empowering women and girls, protecting children’s rights, promoting education, improving maternal and child health, protecting the environment, promoting respect for human rights, and abandoning harmful social practices such as child marriage and female genital cutting.
VIGLOJ is a DRC-based local NGO whose vision is to build a generation of young catalysts for peace and prosperity in the DRC. They equip young people with tools and skills to become human rights rights defenders, challenge young people to take on measurable and impactful leadership projects in communities, create job opportunities for young people by reinforcing entrepreneurship skills, and promote peace among Congolese society.
Beso Foundation breaks the cycle of poverty in East Africa by ensuring that rural learners have access to quality education that can enable them grow up into critical thinkers and problem solvers.
Fortify Rights is an award-winning team of human rights defenders working to ensure human rights for all by (1) investigating violations, (2) engaging people with power on solutions, and (3) strengthening the work of human rights defenders.
Heart Forward’s mission is inspired by the WHO-recognized community-based mental health system in Trieste, Italy. We believe in the transformative power of radical hospitality and that pursuing purpose and feeling included is a fundamental human right.
Hope of Family provides wrap-around support to children from vulnerable families, improving their academic performance through increased parental involvement, and promoting adult literacy and capacity building to support socio-economic welfare at the family level.
PeacEdu Initiative Rwanda is a non-government organization aiming to prevent genocide and mass atrocities through education. PeacEdu focuses on healing the wounds caused by the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, teaching peace education, working closely with vulnerable genocide survivors, and also with genocide perpetrators to foster reconciliation and peace. PeacEdu is also comprised of youth clubs that equip youth with Human Rights Education, critical thinking, empathy, and a personal responsibility to reject violence.